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Gynecosophy - Personal support treatment


From Greek: Gynka - woman; Sophia – wisdom

Gynecosophy is an ancient, traditional practice rekindled today, constituting attentive and professional observation

of your unique feminine rhythm.

Through the feminine gateways with which we are all connected, together you and I will learn to understand the nature of the balance and healing that you seek.

Gynecosophy practitioners are women who have undergone extensive, profound training in order to accurately advise and support you, inform you of a wide range of therapeutic healing methods for what lives and pulsates within you, while listening to your body

and your heart’s desires, on the journey towards conscious

choices and changes in your life.


You are accompanied on your journey through all the gateways –

Your first period, encounter with sexuality, the gateway of marriage, birth, motherhood, to the gateway of wisdom, the crown of menopause and, finally, the conscious parting from body and life.


The Gynecoscophic practitioner uses a variety of traditional healing arts – uterine massage, fertility awareness, supportive nutrition, healing herbs, listening to dreams, to the murmurings of the heart and your intuition, cycles and rituals of transition and bleeding,

the end of menstruation

and fertility, opening and closing of the bones,

cycles of birth, and more.

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